If Washington wasn’t bad enough continued..

If living in Washington taught me anything it’s that living in a home you belief to be haunted you take precautions. Which is precisely what I did.

When the children would say they felt something or heard something we listened and observed but we couldn’t get that clarity we needed. In unpacking things I made sure symbolic things of protection were put out to prevent harm to us. You never know what kind of spirit/entity/demon you may have and there is a difference between all three.

After setting up my bedroom the only room in the apt I could do besides my kitchen due to my daughter’s room and living room having no power. (I will explain why later.) My bedroom became the living room. My sanctuary was overtaken by everyone. My estranged husband started working on projects on my end table. Things got moved around and yes, I became short with people. I wanted my space. Needed it, but no one was listening.

Then it happened that moment of clarity where you just knew that someone was there. My estranged husband and I were were in my room him working on things and tools started flying out of his and bounce on the tile floor. Every time he pick up something up out of his hand it would go. I finally yelled at him to stop throwing his tools. No sooner were those words out when a tool went flying out of his hands. I looked at him and he said, “I can’t keep them in my hand”. I laughed and said “well, did you butter your hands cuz you seem to be all butter fingers.” He reached for a part and things went off the table. I couldn’t believe it. This spirit or entity was messing with him big time. Not in a malice way, but how a child would play. I got up laughing to get a drink. Just as I hit the door, he was reaching for something and a loud crash sounded. On the floor was my son’s white bowl of all his gemstones. I was mad. Tom was shocked and we both knew then that this was just the beginning of what would be happening.

We cleaned up the mess. I got my drink and Tom gave up what he was doing. I kept thinking I just signed a yr lease. Do I really wanna do Washington all over again? Is this just a playful child or was this the beginning of something much worse?

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