My Retrocognitive Dream.

Many of you may not know what a retrocognitive dream is and at first I’ll be honest I didn’t know either and the thought of it just sounded really out there and far out there. Like anyone has it happen to them! Egg on my face!

Wikipedia says: Retrocognition (also known as postcognition), from the Latin retro meaning “backward, behind” and cognition meaning “knowing,” describes “knowledge of a past event which could not have been learned or inferred by normal means.”

Now, I’ve had Precognitive Dreaming all my life.. I dreamt about my first child 2 yrs before she ever came into existence as well, as knowing that I would be moving here to AZ and marrying someone who I met at the Trade School I attended and this knowing full well that it is medically impossible for me to have children. (Someday, I’ll relay the story on how my children came to be).

So here I am in this apartment with things happening all around and I am seeing the little girl regularly and nothing really bad has happened to any of us. We weren’t being attacked by dark entities, demons weren’t influencing us to jump in front of a bus it all seemed pretty harmless.

Then comes this dream it was so real. It took me what felt like 20 minutes to orient myself to where I was. To this day, the dream shakes me up and it’s very possible that did happen. I know it did! However, I play devil’s advocate even with myself. I am researching the events out.

The dream starts off like any other normal dream. Seeing as I had just moved into my new apartment it doesn’t surprise me that I’m dreaming about the old one. My estranged husband and I are breaking into the old apt complex because he wanted to see if they fixed the things that they refused to fix while he was living there and for his reasonings to move in with me.

While he is in the back part of the apartment in the 2nd bedroom I am trying to hurry him along and get us out of there before we get caught but he is oblivious to me and lo and behold I get caught by the neighbors upstairs and to the right of the apartment. I didn’t like them out of dreamland anymore than I liked them in dreamland. So, I shut the door and made it look like I was looking for something that was dropped on the ground. I walked away and hurried around to the side of the apartment complex that had the back bedrooms were on. I quickly explained to Tom that the neighbors saw me and we needed to get out there. He climbed through the window and we set of back to our apartment.

There is an empty lot next to the old apartment complex. However, in the dream it wasn’t empty there was an old Victorian house that was very creepy looking, windows broken, boards missing on the side of the house and the over all feel was one of dread, anger, deep sorrow, and fear. Tom was head of me in the dream and he crossed over a garage roof jumped down which caused me to scream his name and go running after him.

He was already through the back yard of the place and heading through the backdoor of this abandoned run down Victorian home. I surveyed my options and followed him through. The moment I hit the back door I got hit with this overwhelming fear, hatred, anger, and sorrow. Instantly the visions started I saw death everywhere. I wanted to run and get away from what I seeing, however, what was in the house was determined that I see it all. I grabbed the nearest wall and braced for the onslaught of images taking in deep breaths and slowly blowing it out to keep myself centered and grounded.

I saw the home as it had been in the late 1890’s early 1900’s. It was a beautiful 2 story 4 or 5 bedroom home. Where I was standing was the mud room and smelled of dirt, saw dust, and sunshine. I started walking through the house and entered what I made out to be the Kitchen. It smelled of bacon, bread and it felt homey. I smiled while in the kitchen, but it didn’t last long. I was then in the middle of the home, in a small hallway. To the left you entered the Parlor Room and to the right was the formal living room and formal dining room. There was a stairway that lead up to the second floor. In its time it was it was built of mahogany. The house smelled of linseed oil and flowers.

You could hear children laughing and playing. You knew this was a home that strict but had lots of love. Just as soon as I felt that I looked up where the stairs where and I saw the little girl who had been in my apartment. She was shaking her head and a smile came across her face and the next visions hit me hard. I was shaking my head trying to shake the visions away, but they wouldn’t leave. I gave into them and tears slid down my face. In one upstairs room. There was my little girl on the floor dead a gunshot wound to the back and head, in another room a little boy, with the same gun shot wounds, in another room, another girl with identical wounds. In the Master bedroom a woman lay on the floor with multiple gunshot wounds to her and one to the back of her head. In the same room as this woman there was an older child also dead with the same gunshot wounds as the younger children. I looked around the rooms and I noticed a cradle and nappies, but I saw no baby. I looked at the little girl who was on the stairway except she wasn’t a little girl anymore she was the oldest sibling and she was pissed and angry and she showed me papers that said the mother had killed the children and herself in a murder suicide. They couldn’t find the father a maid and a 6 month baby whose name was either Emily or Elise. I am still to this day unsure of exactly what the baby’s name was.

I was shown pictures of the father, the maid and of the baby. I was also told that the story was wrong that was written. The Mother’s name was Anneliese, or something very similar to that. It was said that she first tried to kill the children with a sleeping tonic and when that didn’t work she used the gun on the children and then herself. This child who was about 14 or 15 yrs of age with so much hatred and anger built up in her repeatedly said No! Not true! She didn’t know who had killed them, but it wasn’t the mother. It was however the maid who tried to give the children the sleeping tonic.

My heart ached for this children and all I wanted to do was bring them some peace and rest. All they wanted was to know what happened to their baby sister. I nodded that I understood and turned to walk out the house. The minute I was through the threshold the door slammed behind me and the oldest was in the upstairs window looking down.. I remember thinking there was evil in that house. A very big evil.

I met up with Tom and at Burger King which put me back in the present day but I could still see the house. We got back to my new apt and I asked him where Peanut was our little Chihuahua was. At that moment the both of us realized we left him in the old apt. So we rushed back around the side of the old complex back to the back window opened it up and called for Peanut. He came running towards us we scooped him and started back around. I instantly told Tom that I wasn’t going back the way we first went. I wasn’t going to step back into that house of evil. He shook his head at me and laughed and said yeah, it did evil lived there, but he went through the house and I went around. As I was coming out I saw a home being built-in front of the old house. The oldest child looking out with all this anger and hatred. My last thought to this dream was if they put a house in front of where the old was. The children who live there will have a new haunting ground besides my place. God, help whomever lives in that house. I woke up instantly and felt like I had to do something to help these children to find out what happened to their baby sister.

To this day, I have been researching. I even put my top researchers on the project and we have come up with nothing. I know that what happened is real as you and I are real. I saw those children for days in my home. I didn’t make them up.

What I wasn’t  prepared for was the calm of the storm passing and the onslaught of entities that would be screwing with each one of us in our home…


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